A1015 PNP Transistor is mostly used in audio frequency amplifier applications. It, too, can be used for switching, exactly like other PNP transistors. When used as a general-purpose audio frequency amplifier, it can be operated in the active region. This transistor is further classified into four categories based on DC current gain: O, Y, G, and L, with DC current gains of 140, 240, 400, and 700 hfe, respectively.
A1015 PNP Transistor
A1015 PNP Transistor is mostly used in audio frequency amplifier applications. It, too, can be used for switching, exactly like other PNP transistors. When used as a general-purpose audio frequency amplifier, it can be operated in the active region. This transistor is further classified into four categories based on DC current gain: O, Y, G, and L, with DC current gains of 140, 240, 400, and 700 hfe, respectively.
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